Tuesday, May 31, 2011

laura dundovic 2011 logies

laura dundovic 2011 logies. Now with the Tv week logies
  • Now with the Tv week logies

  • doubtofalex
    Mar 18, 06:49 PM
    well despite the rumours of delays, check this out http://www.alexbragg.co.uk :)

    a 5pm release thats a whole new ball game :/

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. dressed at the 2011 Logies
  • dressed at the 2011 Logies

  • Angelo95210
    Mar 31, 03:53 AM
    Check for poorman steadycam on Google. You can build one for $19, pretty effective actually.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. megan gale 2011.
  • megan gale 2011.

  • heyroth
    Jun 21, 12:26 AM
    Any one planning to camp out?

    Eeep, Emeryville. Too far for me. I'll be in burlingame

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 7, 02:13 PM
    Sorry to disagree... the script didn't work until the mail function was called directly.. maybe you should try running the code first---

    There's no difference between these two bits of code in "calling it directly". Both syntaxes are directly calling the function. Do you understand how return values work?


    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • zeroh3ro
    Dec 25, 05:34 PM
    should be a tought month!

    i just got some of this and a hipflask for xmas, good times.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Warhay
    Jul 9, 02:42 PM
    who's going? What time ya getting there? Any ideas when one can get into the parking structure? I'll be there between 4-6am with bells on... Not literaly of course


    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Patmian212
    Dec 3, 06:00 AM
    Hey all,
    This is just a feeler. I need a cheap PC laptop.
    Min Specs: Mid range P3

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • tnsmart
    Apr 12, 05:00 PM
    Thanks for the replies.

    I have an ATT iphone and the Trim fits perfectly. I also run with my phone and it fits fine in my Belkin armband w/o removing the case. I also like that the case comes with a dock insert. So far it has been the perfect case for me

    How well does the Trim protect your phone? If I dropped my iPhone on a parking lot from about 3 feet do you think it would be ok?
    Also, could you tell me which Belkin armband you have?

    I do like CapsuleRebel but think that it may be a bit too bulky, especially for putting into an armband.

    Does anybody have any comments on the Vulcan?



    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Legion93
    Apr 23, 09:43 PM
    He used a Mac.

    Image (http://boskolives.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/powerbook_5300_screen.jpg?w=400&h=263)

    Looks like Mac OS X Cheetah or Puma :d

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Indy Golfer
    May 6, 08:15 PM
    Thanks for the reply!

    I am trying to find a way to do this without using services like mobileme, VPN or any type of remote access. I believe there has to be a way to make this happen, although that probably comes from my ignorance. I feel like the guy on the Dyson commercials, "I just think things should work properly".

    I think there was a Windows 7 commercial about doing something like this, so I was hoping I could do it as well.

    Anyone else want to chime in?



    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

    May 5, 03:12 PM
    There should be a -1000 button for threads like these... Or - "Lowest Ranked".

    Haha I guess you're the only one. You're at -39.
    I chuckled

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Sun Baked
    Dec 21, 06:50 PM
    Almost looks like a thinly disguised commercial for selling the SpyMac products.

    You can't have cool products without a cool commercial.


    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • MarkMS
    Apr 30, 01:50 AM
    Same happened to me, but a hard restart somehow helped. :confused:

    It's good and bad. It fixed the problem, but now I can't reproduce my steps to recreate the problem for a bug report. Try to file a bug report if possible.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow
  • 2011 Logies Fashion ImagesShow

  • Nnavick
    Apr 24, 07:51 AM
    abc class


    laura dundovic 2011 logies. 2011 Logie Awards Nominees
  • 2011 Logie Awards Nominees

  • birchest
    May 5, 02:56 AM

    Now, look who's talking, Mr. Steve Jobs.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. Gold Logie nominee Karl
  • Gold Logie nominee Karl

  • Laslo Panaflex
    Jul 21, 04:06 PM
    Originally posted by Freg3000


    laura dundovic 2011 logies. the Gold Logie for Most
  • the Gold Logie for Most

  • MisterDisney
    Apr 10, 01:08 PM
    I bought a Bumper at launch. I did take the money back though.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. Logies 2011: Hottest Chicks
  • Logies 2011: Hottest Chicks

  • CubusX
    Aug 3, 10:30 AM
    This does look like iOS4 is turning into Apple's Vista. I've begun noticing odd quirks with my iPhone 4. Frequently, the screen refuses to shift into landscape or portrait mode when I turn it. The only thing that seems to fix the problem is a re-boot of the phone. Reception is still wonky. In the exact same location it will shift from 5 bars of 3G to 1 bar of EDGE, then 1 bar of 3G and then to 3 bars of EDGE. I've had several bizarre syncing problems when either iTunes or iPhoto reported simply, "An error has occurred."

    When it works, it's great. But it certainly has been more finicky than my old 3G, which was rock-solid.

    I have noticed this as well, a reboot usually helps. It is very annoying though.

    Other things I have noticed:

    1) The screen tends to take time to come one (once in a while) when the power button is pressed (when in sleep mode).
    2) The color on the Calendar's is incorrectly sync'ed from my MacBook Pro.

    As of right that is all I have noticed, it is a simple fix through the software. Hopefully it comes along quick.

    laura dundovic 2011 logies. Logies 2011: Hottest Chicks
  • Logies 2011: Hottest Chicks

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 3, 03:19 PM
    Hi there,

    Just wanted to make a suggestion on thread titles. I may be the only one, but I think that thread titles with repeated question marks (?????) are annoying and unnecessary. It only suggests unnecessary urgency and importance to the thread the poster has written. Therefore I think there should be a rule that states that threads with more than one repeated question mark in the title will be deleted until renamed.



    And yet you put it in your title? I know it was to make a point.. but sorta hypocritical...

    May 3, 09:19 AM
    Are you using the Bluetooth keyboard? That won't work with Windows XP setup. You'll need to have a wired one hooked up until after the Bootcamp drivers are installed. If you only need one program, though, you might be better off with Parallels or VMWare Fusion so that you can continue doing tasks on the Mac OS at the same time.

    Parallels or Fusion it doesn't seem worth it price wise for me, not just for the one program anyway.
    I have a pretty high spec Windows laptop that is used solely for this program, but it seems such a waste, and its hassle having to start that every time I need to update the data base.

    Now my keyboards working again lol (it is a bluetooth one), I have the option of booting windows on start up but its the same black screen as before. I must have done something wrong, but i'm struggling to find what! It can't be the keyboard at this stage can it?

    Apr 9, 03:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (S60; SymbOS; Opera Mobi/SYB-1103211396; U; en-US) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    Sersiuosly Apple, banning a browser because it runs javascript? In that case Apple should ban all browers in case they execute javascript running in the website.

    These bookmarklets are nothing more than javascript.

    Oct 9, 12:26 PM
    Did anyone install it already?

    I've received it 2 days ago but still have the stealth guard on my iPt which is going to be replaced in a week, so I will put the bse on the replacement-device.

    Are those bse for a dry installation? I've received them in an envelope without a solution, just like the stealth guards.

    Oct 19, 03:10 AM
    Im to young for meetups, but does anybody know if :apple: are doing it at shibuya store? acutely...no school GINZA YAY!


    mom might say no
    (of-course to meetup but to going in general...maybe)

    I think all the stores worldwide are doing the T-shirt thing. Check out Apple Japan site, Google a translation to get it in English.

    As for the meet up... bring your mom, some of us are probably the same age or older :D

    Feb 6, 03:38 AM
    Based on the database-driven backend, and reading through the online manual, I doubt there is a limit on the number of levels he can define.

    So we'll just have to wait and see. :)

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